Episode 30: On User Management & MFA Integration

Ensure your environments are both organized and secure! In Episode 30 of the VCD Roundtable, we delve into management, authentication-based security, customization, and integrations with Cloud Director. We specifically focus on the authenticator integrations, such as OIDC and SAML. This technical topic is complimented by our experience driven tips around cloud directory appliances and the pros and cons of different integration approaches for MFA, SSO, and more! Stay tuned as we reveal more details about our upcoming Architecture Think Tank for the EMEA region! #VMware #Broadcom #UserMgmt #MFA #TechInsights2024

Creators and Guests

Yves Sandfort
Yves Sandfort
Yves Sandfort - VMware cloud and infrastructure architect and evangelist, CEO comdivision group. VCDX-CMA,VCIX-CMA, VCIX-DCV, vExpert, Nutanix NTC, pilot
Episode 30: On User Management & MFA Integration
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